Comfiest #wfh tops

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

Four weeks in self isolation has been one hell of a ride with pants, and bras becoming long forgotten articles of clothing.

Most of the times when I'm not in meetings, or the videos will be off for the meeting I just continue wearing my pyjamas with my Pomeranian Sookie snuggled up next to me.

I've reach complete comfort in my bed doing my work.

But for those times I have to wear something remotely acceptable for some face-to-face video conferencing I still strive for that comfort. I've been opting for loose fitting knit sweaters, and comfy loose t-shirts.

I love how comfortable this black, and brown patterned knitted sweater is from FemmeLuxeFinery. While fairly light, it is made of a non-scratchy material that keeps you warm but also stylish as it's patterned similar to the famous Fendi pattern.

It's cropped so it goes great partnered with high waisted bottoms which is perfect news for someone short like me (155cm tall).

For an even more casual work from home look, I go for just a simple print white t-shirt sans pants. Because if we're all being truthful who really wears pants when working from home?

This shirt says "Shoot Your Shot" which is both one of my favourite responses I've seen watching people trying to flirt on the internet but also fairly inspiring considering the somewhat dreary circumstances the world is facing.