August Bellabox Review ft Em Cosmetics

This month I had the ongoing pleasure to review Bellabox again! I am so happy to be a Bellabox Beauty Reviewer, and this month brought some kick ass products that I'm just dying to tell you all about!

This month's Bellabox is called Complexion Perfection, due to the bella inclusion of beauty guru Michelle Phan's 'Em Ultimate Concealer'. All the products within this month's Bellabox was included to help us ladies find products to even our complexions, and improve the general quality of our skin.

The products found within Complexion Perfection were:

1 x Full-sized Em Cosmetics 'The Great Cover Up Ultimate Concealer'

1 x Mini Avene Tolerance Extreme Cream

1 x Mini Avene Tolerance Extreme Cleansing Lotion

1 x Full-sized Nivea Creme Fairytales Edition

1 x Full-sized Kora Organics by Miranda Kerr Vitamin Enhanced Lip Balm

Em Cosmetics 'The Great Cover Up Ultimate Concealer' Review:

The way that Bellabox works is that you fill out a few details about yourself and receive products from each month's range depending on your profile.

For my EM Cosmetics Ultimate Concealer, I received the shade "The Neutraliser". Pictured below, I am not wearing any foundation, or any other makeup except for eyebrow pencil, and some light eyeshadow on my lid. I have applied the EM Cosmetics Ultimate Concealer in 'The Neutraliser' to the right side of the photo, and buffed it out using my foundation brush from My Makeup Brush Set. As you can see, I do have some dark circles on my left side of the photo, which the concealer has successfully covered up! In terms of oiliness, I had no excess oily residue, and it was easy to buff out across the necessary areas. I have also applied it onto the bridge of my nose to experiment whether I could use it as part of my contour regime.

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