No dull sock in n/sight

It's currently that weird sleeping time of the year here in Sydney. For those outside of Australia, it is the just the beginning of Spring.

When you wake up it's freezing cold so you would think you should sleep with some long sleeve pyjamas. But no, when it's time to sleep it's boiling hot so you sleep precariously out of your blanket with the fan on half of your body to find some thermal equilibrium. During the day, the sun glaring down on you makes it feels like you're in a sauna so you want to wear sun dresses, but there's that winter wind still in the shadows.

So for me, I try find some peace in knitted cardigans, and wearing socks to bed. But there's a whole new problem there! Where are all my damn socks?

I try be good and do three loads of washing a week: one white, one dark, and one colours. And in each, and every single load at least one sock has lost his way!

I'm always on the lookout for fun ways to live, and have a bright pop of colour to an outfit, with night time not exempt.

Thankfully I've met the nice people at Foot Cardigan here in Australia. Foot Cardigan is a sock subscription service, where you get a new pair of socks every month in fun, wacky designs. You may have heard of them from the hit TV show Shark Tank.

No more dull sock moments, and no more cold feet in bed! Socks aren't supposed to be boring patterns, with no life in it's colours. Socks are an accessory within fashion, and fashion is all about self-exploration, and the conveying of personality! Adventurous socks scream to the world: I'm a human being with a damn personality!

Plus their socks are made of cotton, polyester, and spandex, so they're comfortable, stretchy, and your feet won't have that terrible feeling of being sweaty in the middle of the night! Phew, time for a good night rest!

#socks #fashion #nightwear #loungewear #product #accessory #accessories