I have had the pleasure of working with so many national, and international brands throughout my social media journey, and working in the advertising industry. I am sincerely thankful to all of the wonderful brands, marketing staff, and PR staff who have made each collaboration possible. Without the support, beliefs, and hard work from everyone involved in each project, I wouldn't be where I am today.
All the brands I work with I enter the collaboration process with the intention of creating high quality, and genuine content that will appeal to my readership. My opinion is not compromised by gifting, or financial compensation as the greatest assest a company can have during advertising themselves, is to have people who genuinely care about what they have to offer. By being truthful with my reviews, I provide real content that genuinely reflects the brands values..
If you are looking to collaborate with me, or for sponsorship, please contact me using the menu option above. If you would liketo view my collaborations, refer to the menu under accessories, fashion, beauty & health, and miscellanious.
Please send PR packages to:
Albon Averion
Parcel Locker 10070 38956
2 Sentry Drive
Stanhope Gardens
New South Wales 2768