Received yet another magnificent bouquet from the talented bespoke event florist Sierra Blooms. Even when the sun shines, nothing beats the warmth of loving arms to rest in, and a vibrant bunch of flowers by your bed.
Never underestimate how happy flowers can make somebody!
I remember, when I was first dating Albon, he would buy me a bouquet of flowers at least once a month. Over five years later, the sentiment still lingers.
This bouquet photographed by Avenoir Productions is a natural stem style with Garden Roses and Thryp foliage. Thryp is a non traditional option for bouquet foliage, for those who want to go beyond the confidents of what a bouquet usually looks like. The Thryp creates a rustic look and stands out from typical bouquet and arrangement design. Also photographed is a black blouse from the wonderful ladies at Noway Monday
Thank you so much to Sierra Blooms for yet another masterpiece! For my photoshoots for this fortnight’s outfits, she beautifully complimented the autumn tones of my clothes with the wintery foliage.
To see Sierra bloom's gallery click here
To contact Sierra Bloom click here
To learn about Sierra Bloom's event packages click here
Follow Sierra Bloom's Instagram, @sierra.blooms
Follow Noway Monday at their Instagram @Noway_Monday
All photos by Avenoir Productions