On March 2nd 2022 I had my first child named Leon. In the lead up to his birth I heavily researched every product I was going to get for him to ensure I got the best product in terms of value, safety, durability, convenience, and aesthetic.
When looking for the best pram in the market for our needs, the Uppababy Vista 2 blew the competition out of the water. We purchased the Uppabbay Vista 2 in grey brushed mélange from Baby Bunting with the toddler seat + bumper bar, carrycot, and shield options.
So why did we pick the Uppababy Vista 2?

We’re planning to have more kids
A big one for us was we plan to have more kids within the next 5 years. Not all strollers allow for dual seating, and some that do allow for dual seating will require additional expenses to buy the attachments to make that possible.
The Uppababy Vista 2 can technically have 3 kids on it: 1 in the bassinet/carry cot, 1 in the toddler seat, and 1 on the toddler scooter. You can also switch the carrycot, and toddler seat so one can face you, or have the toddler seat at the bottom.
I’ve been recommended by other mums to have the toddler seat facing me in the upper position, and the carry cot underneath. This is because toddlers are more mobile, and will have more needs requiring immediate attention so it’s more time efficient to have the stroller arranged in that way then needing to stop every time the toddler will need something.
You don’t lose storage
Another big one on my list! For other prams, once you put on the toddler attachment as well as the carrycot you have to remove the underneath storage pouch. But that’s valuable storage! The Uppababy Vista 2 allows you to have the carry cot, toddler seat, and it’s extra large storage pouch at the same time so you can storage your handbag, shopping, nappy bag, and more.
It’s lightweight
We were juggling between this stroller, and 2 others within the same price range but the Uppababy Vista 2 was the lightest at only 12.4kgs all inclusive.
Doubles as a bed
Interestingly, the carrycot doubles as a portable bassinet for your baby! This makes it perfect if you want to drop them off at your parents house for a sleepover, or are on a long journey on foot such as a big shopping day.
The carry cot is comprised of a perforated mattress pad with a ventilated base, and canopy so your baby stays cool, and comfy while they take their nap. The mattress cover is also removable, and machine washable in case of any accidents!

It’s suitable for the Australian weather
Obviously, Australia is one hot place to live. The Uppababy Vista 2 comes with an extendable sunshade that has UPF 50+ protection so you can keep your beautiful Bub away from the harmful sun’s rays!
The stroller is also well ventilated to ensure the stroller inserts have breathability so no yucky mould, and also your baby doesn’t overheat.
Plus there’s also a bug shield, and rain shield available so rain, shine, or swarm of bugs(?!) your baby is safe, and sound.