What is your birth plan?
The birth plan is a document where you can communicate your preferences to your medical professional for your labour. While it’s not a legally binding document, your birth plan acts as a guideline of the options you wish to proceed, and are comfortable with.
Each birth is a unique experience so it’s recommended to have as many options listed as possible, and in order of your preference.
Is your birth plan fixed?
What you list as your preferences in your birth plan is conditional as you’ll need to be flexible as certain conditions such as an emergency, or you or your baby’s changing circumstances may mean the medical professionals will need to take an alternative route.
Did my birth plan change?
Yes. Upon consultation in my weekly obstetrician appointment, my obstetrician said I had to have an epidural otherwise the high blood pressure can have negative consequences on the birth. Prior, I had fully intended to have a completely natural birth but due to my gestational hypertension, it would be too dangerous for myself, and the baby.
What information should be in your birth plan?
My obstetrician provided me a pdf form from another hospital on what they needed to know. The birth plan can be found here.
Within your birth plan you’ll need to communicate your preferences for things like:
what pain management tools you want to utilise eg epidural
How mobile you want to be during labour
What forms of relaxation you want eg massage
how much cervix examinations you’re comfortable with
What birthing positions
What induction methods you’re comfortable with
If you’d like an episotomy
What conditions you want in case of a caesarian
If you want photography
What after birth experience you want eg delayed cord flaming
How you intend to feed the baby